Studio Vision has brought me back
March 05, 2012

Anyone who follows this blog (is there anyone still out there?!?!) has probably noticed that it has been a while since I last posted...
Since my last post, I've merged practices with Henry Walters of Drome Design Studio to form atelier drome, llp. We're pretty excited about our merger and feel blessed to be busy! But, it has been too long since this blog has been active, so we're going to try and make an effort to reactivate the blog. This blog has meant a lot to me, a source of inspiration when I was working in jobs feeling less than inspired... a means of connecting to friends and new acquaintances across the globe... and now I hope to take this blog with me on a new journey with my new company.
Even though this post doesn't have any architectural photos... I can't think of a better product to summarize my aesthetic. When I first saw this bench (is that what you'd call it?) on shoebox dwelling, I actually gasped. I absolutely love the minimal design with the surprise inside.