The New Crematorium, The Woodland Cemetery | Johan Celsing Arkitektkontor
September 24, 2014
Architects design habitable spaces for better quality of life. But what about the dead? Do architects design spaces for the dead also? Absolutely.
Deep topics such as life and death, lead a group of designers to create a new woodland crematorium in Stockholm, Sweden. When we think of crematorium, we instantly think of death. But let's not forget, death is part of life as well. To make sure that the soul of the dead is rested, certain human tradition takes place.
The site is in dense forest area, so the motto of this project is "Stone in the Forest". Unfinished white concrete is used to show honesty and purity in the interior, and bricks are used on the exterior to relates to the earth. The light from the sky penetrates the inside spade, establishing a connection with the heavens. Click here to learn more about the details.